Oh, i got few quotation on the wiring for my house, A quated me RM 86 for a plug point whereby, B quoted me RM45...
Would like to share with you all on What to consider in wiring works during renovation....no right or right..it is the matter of what suit you better. And what make the pricing different.
1) cable size
- usually for lighting and low wattage usage cabling like TV point we will go for 1.5mm thick cable.
- high voltage and long usage like fridge, water heater and etc, please go for 2.5mm.
- Thicker cable will cost you higher.
2) Looping
- Looping = the point which continue from the primary point.
- The more point it's loop, the capacity consist in each point is lesser.
- The more looping is, same cluster (light point and etc.)might overload, and again it will harm your appliances (example, light fitting always burn off and etc).
3) Switches control
- More flexible for you to chose which cluster of light to be on.
- Dimmer control for halogen (spotlight) - fitting will be more durable.
- The more switches control, the more works to be done.
4) Conduit
- wiring run in conduit so that if in future, any problem happen to the wiring, it will be easier to classify.
- more work to be done, therefore, more expensive.
- Look neater and nicer.
- If the wired need to be conceal, more work to be done, labour cost will be higher.